Equip Week Resources: Equipping students with gospel tools
Help Week Planning Sheet: Great tool to plan your next Help Week meeting!
Gospel Presentation/Lesson Plans
Gospel Presentation – The Four
Gospel Presentation – A Brand New Life
Gospel Presentation – Good News
Gospel Presentation – Gospel Identity
Gospel Presentation – Gospel STORY Community
Gospel Presentation – Gospel STORY Forgiveness
Gospel Presentation – Gospel STORY Jesus
Gospel Presentation – Gospel STORY Kindness
Gospel Presentation – Gospel STORY Listening
Gospel Presentation – Gospel STORY Love
Gospel Presentation – Gospel STORY Opportunity
Gospel Presentation – Gospel STORY Prayer
Gospel Presentation – Gospel STORY Sacrifice
Gospel Presentation – Honor Restored
Gospel Presentation – How_To_Become_A_Christian
Gospel Presentation – Knowing God
Gospel Presentation – Rescue Reconnect Renew
Gospel Presentation – The Cross Equals Love
Gospel Presentation – The Story
Gospel Presentation – Three Crowns
Gospel Presentation – 4 Spiritual Laws
Gospel Tools
My3 Challenge: A disciple making strategy. Make a commitment to be on mission daily for 3 friends who need to know the love of Jesus.
The 3, 2, 1 Story of God: Sharing the gospel by share the story of God, the world and you.
3 Crowns Gospel: A gospel sharing strategy based on 3 crowns: God’s crown as King, the crown we attempt to wear as our own king, and the crown that Christ wears.
One Way Stickers: Great idea using John 14:6 to remind you to share Hope, and a conversation starter for sharing the gospel. Color Sticker & Black/White Logo
Pumpkin Gospel Presentation: Use a pumpkin to illustrate how through Christ we can get a new face and let His light shine through us!
Candy Cane Gospel Card: Use a candy cane to share the gospel! Great tool to use during the Christmas season!
Christmas Dinner Outreach: Share the gospel during the Christmas season by hosting a Christmas dinner.
Christmas Party Outreach: Ideas on how to hold a Christmas Party and share the gospel with all who attend.
Valentine’s Day Card: Great resource to help you share the love of God in February around Valentine’s Day. Give your “valentine” the gospel! Front of Card, Back of Card
Jesus Week Outreach: Declare Easter Week, Jesus Week, and share the story of Easter with your school.
What’s So Good About Good Friday (WSGAGF): Great idea for sharing the Good News about Good Friday during Easter.
Color Bracelet Gospel: Learn how to create bracelets with colored beads to share the gospel! Wear one as a conversation starter or give them to friends and share Hope. Color Gospel Card & Color Gospel Bracelet Instructions
efold Gospel: The “paper” version of the EvangelCube. These are inexpensive gospel tools you can use to share Hope! Order them here. eFold Gospel Instruction Sheet
Invitation Cards: Use these card to invite your friends and classmates to First Priority! You Are Invited Card 1, You Are Invited Card 2
Hand Gospel: A “sign language” style presentation of the gospel.
Life/Death Cards: This optical illusion is a great gospel conversation starter! Keep one in your pocket to share the gospel at any time, or give them out to family and friends as you tell them the Good News! Front of Card, Back of Card
MySharePal Card: A great tool designed to help you ask questions, learn about a person, and share the Romans Road and the gospel. Inspired by the MySharePal Ap, this tool is a great way to have a conversation about Christ. Front of Card, Back of Card
Take 5 Prayer Card: Use this card to remind yourself to pray or 5 friends who do not know Jesus. Write their names on one side and the other side has a short prayer you can pray for them. Take5Card Front, Take5Card Back
The Cause Circle Card: A great tool to help you to thing about who God is prompting you to Pray for, Care for and Share the gospel with.
Teaspoon Prayer Card: This little card will help you focus your prayer time in a “teaspoon” (TSP)! Thanks (for God’s blessing, Sorry (asking forgiveness) and Please (asking for provision/intercession).
W.A.I.T (Why Am I Talking) Sticker: Use this reminder from James 1:19 to listen before you speak. It’s important to choose to listen to people before you share the gospel with them. Use it as a reminder to listen and as a conversation starter.
Million Dollar Gospel Tracts: Million Dollar “Bills” to start conversations about what we should value most.
Optical Illusion Cards: These small cards “trick the eyes” and can be used to open discussions on what can we trust…God’s Word.
Gospel Surveys: Surveys that help begin gospel conversations. One of our most popular tools used by students sharing the gospel.
Origami Gospel: Using a piece of paper to share the gospel
Salt Videos: These short videos are great conversation starters! Post to your social media, or show a friend on your phone or tablet. They each ask a question or make a statement at the end that can open the door for you sharing your faith!
iGospel: You can turn your mobile device into a Mobile Gospel Tract!
Life In 6 Words : Dare2Shares G.O.S.P.E.L. gospel presentation. Easy to learn and to share.
3 Circles Discussion Guide: Sharing the gospel through three stories: Your Story, Their Story and God’s Story.
Romans Road to Salvation: The tried and true gospel presentation focusing on scripture.
Romans Road to Salvation Sheet: The tried and true gospel presentation focusing on scripture.
I am Second: Hundreds of testimonies from average people as well as famous individuals.
Four Spiritual Laws: The 4 Spiritual Laws gospel presentation has been used to share Christ with millions of people around the world.
View the Story: A website presentation on the Story of God’s redemption.
God Speaks: Link takes you to Godspeaks.com’s gospel presentation. The website is full of great resources for sharing the gospel and encouraging others.
Evangel Cubes: These unique tools are similar in size to a Rubrics Cube and are a guide to telling the story of the Gospel. They come in small, regular and giant sizes. Check them out!
Various Tracts From Living Waters:
Ray Comfort’s website full of gospel presentations, tools and more.
Two Ways to Live: A great gospel presentation on line and one easy to remember so you can share it with others!
G.O.S.P.E.L. Cards: Great tool for sharing the gospel using the G.O.S.P.E.L. acronym.
2-6-2 Evangelism Guide: Dare 2 Share’s 2-6-2 Evangelism Guide. 2 questions to start a spiritual conversation, 6 points to share the gospel, and 2 questions to encourage a decision.
Evangelism Style Test: Dare 2 Share’s “test” to help you determine what style evangelism you are made for.
Something Amazing Website: The Something Amazing video and resources to share the gospel.
Different World View Discussion: How to engage your friends who have different worldviews/religions
Most Wanted Devotion: Create a “most wanted” list of students at your school that God wants you to impact with the gospel.
Class Wars: Details on how to organize a food drive competition at your school. This idea comes from the students of Tennessee High in Bristol, Tennessee.
Gospel Videos