Club Resources: Miscellaneous Resources for Launching and Maintaining Your Campus Ministry
2018-19 HOPE Cycle Calendar: 2017-2018 Hope Cycle Calendar for First Priority Blue Ridge Clubs.
HOPE Cycle Planning Summary: Plan out an entire HOPE Cycle with this great tool!
10 Steps to Launching a Club: Want to start a First Priority at your school? Here’s how!
Club Evaluation Form: Use this form during your monthly planning meetings to help identify what is working and what needs work in your campus ministry.
Protecting Students: Information on how to protect children and the school system.
Summer FISHing Guide: Just because schools out for the summer doesn’t mean campus ministry is on hold. Check out these ideas for keeping your focus on reaching your campus for Christ while on summer break.
Campus Ministry Poster/Promotion Ideas: Cool Sayings For Posters, T-Shirts, Etc. to Help You Promote Your Campus Ministry
All Welcome First Priority Poster
Safe Place First Priority Poster
Impact Your Campus First Priority Poster
Club Poster: Blank Info Section
Campus Ministry Ideas for Adults: Students are not the only ones that can have a ministry to schools. Check out these great ideas for adults to actively serve and bless campuses.
How Parents Can Help: Ideas of how parents can encourage and support the student leaders of First Priority.
Spiritual Gifts Evaluation: Quick “test” to help you identify your spiritual gifts.
First Priority Promo Sheet: Information Sheet on the basics of First Priority.
The Game Day Analogy: First Priority is like a football game…it involves the entire community!
The Campus As a Mission Field: Why Our Middle and High Schools Are An Important Mission Field. From The Campus Alliance
Campus Networking: The Importance of Networking With The Community To Reach A Campus. From The Campus Alliance
Co-Laboring Agreement: Agreement compiled and signed by representatives of 28 denominations and youth ministries at a meeting of the Campus Alliance held in Alexandria, VA on May 1, 2001. From The Campus Alliance
Campus Club Constitution and Bylaws: Some school administrations require a club charter for all campus clubs. Use this charter when establishing a new campus ministry club.
Reminder to Coaches: Some key points to remember as you mentor Student Leaders in campus ministry.
Campus Coach Commitment: Covenant for Campus Ministry Coaches and Campus Ministry Mentors. Explains the role and responsibilities of a Campus Coach.
Faculty Sponsor Commitment: Covenant for Faculty Sponsors of First Priority. Explains the role and responsibilities of a Faculty Sponsor.
Student Leadership Commitment: Student Leadership Covenant for First Priority. Explains the role and responsibilities of a Student Leader of First Priority.
Campus Ministry Roster: Use this document to keep track of students involved in First Priority.
Teacher Appreciation Week: The first week of May is the annual National Teacher Appreciation Week! Here are some ideas on how to appreciate your teachers and staff at your school.
Campus Ministry Do’s and Don’ts: Some tips on how to do campus ministry…and what not to do!
Guest Speaker Guide: Inviting a guest to speak at a club meeting? Use this document to keep them informed of what you are asking them to do!
First Priority Header: Header for Facebook and other social media #1
First Priority Header: Header for Facebook and other social media #2